Anouncement on the news today that Electricity and Gas prices will be going up from the 1st of August in the UK. The increases are 10% and 19% respectively and the talk is about how many pensioners will struggle to to keep up with payments and some having to make a choice with either heating or eating. What a sad state of affairs, what is the world coming to????

Posted less than a minute ago by almoradilife


I agree with you 100% we were thinking of going back to the U.K until we heard the news yesterday about the cost of fuel and then later we heard that inflation was also going up, we may not be as happy as we would have liked to have been living in Spain as we are missing family but at least we can pay our bills and will be warm this winter.

Commented Dawn in La Marina 2011-06-08 09:14:26 UTC

We left the UK for precisely this reason, everything continues to go up and these energy companies are making extortionate profits and are being allowed to get away with it. Do they not realise we are in a deep recession and the average person cannot afford these constant increases. I am so glad to be here in Spain.

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-06-08 17:34:37 UTC